The newly appointed Minister for Administrative Services, Hon. Richard Masere made his first official visit to the National Statistical Office (NSO) on Tuesday the 23rd of January 2024. The visit was termed as a “meet and greet” meeting where he met with the National Statistician Mr. John Aseavu Igitoi and his top management team.
Mr. Igitoi expressed his gratitude to the Marape/Rosso Government for recognizing NSO and giving a Ministry to it in the current reshuffle whilst congratulating Minister Masere for making his first official visit to NSO after his appointment. The National Statistician briefly highlighted the key functions of the NSO and said that “the agency has had many challenges but continue to function with what was at hand”. He also highlighted that “the 2024 Census was on track but has a funding gap of K122m from the 2023 budget appropriation and 2024 NSO Census plan and needs the funding to conduct and complete the 2024 Census. He also mentions that ‘NSO was also a victim of the mayhem that took place last week where their leased warehouse was looted and burnt to the ground which contains census preparatory documents and materials worth over K15m based at Konedobu’. ‘This will place another significant challenge to procure the same again’, he said. The four divisional heads also briefly spoke about their divisions and their major functions complimenting Mr. Igitoi’s remarks.
In response Minister Masere thanked the National Statistician and pledges to work together especially the conduct of the 5th National Census as it is a government priority and must be conducted by the end of this year. The Minister also mentions that ‘data and statistics are important units for planning and development’ and that ‘the 2024 Census must go ahead’.
The team at NSO pledge their support to the Minister and said to provide him with all necessary briefs to bring him up to speed with what has being done already especially with the census preparatory activities and the challenges that are encountered. The meeting ended on a high note.