Gross Domestic Products

Current Prices

In 2019 the PNG economy grew by K4.4 billion, reaching a level of K83.8 billion, an increase of 5.6%. Current Price GDP increases include both increases in production volumes and increases in

Key contributing industries were:

    • Mining and Quarrying, +7.4%, + K1,633 million
    • Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, +5.6%, +K757 million
    • Admin and Support Services, +8.6%, +K507 million

The main offset to this increase was Construction with a fall of 5.5%, -K276 million.

Constant Prices

In 2019 the PNG economy grew by K2.8 billion, reaching a level of K65.7 billion, an increase of 4.5%. Constant Price GDP increases include increases in production volumes only.

Key contributing industries were:

    • Mining and Quarrying, +11.3%, + K2,114 million
    • Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, +2.3%, +K230 million
    • Information & Communication, + 15.9%, +K193 million

The main offset to this increase was Construction with a fall of 8.6%, -K317 million.

Figure 1. GDP Levels, Current and Constant Price (KINA BILLIONS)

Figure 2. GDP Growth, Current and Constant Price. (Percentage)

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