Census 2020 Ministerial Statement
Published on: Mar 11, 2019
Kids posing for a photo during pretest

Dear People of Papua New Guinea, 

It is my pleasure as Minister for National Planning and Monitoring to announce to the nation that we now approaching the end of the 10-year cycle of census taking. The conduct of the 5th National Population and Housing Census is now due in 2020.

The National Population and Housing Census is one of the most important national events in the calendar of our country and is conducted every ten years.

The primary purpose of conducting the Census is to take a head count of every man, woman and child in PNG at the time of the Census.

Under the Statistical Services Act (1980, Revised 1981) the National Statistical Office, under my Ministry maintains its role as the Central Executing Agency for the conduct of Censuses including the Census 2020.

The amended Organic Law on Provincial and Local Level Government (OLPLLG) has created a new set of demands for updated data for local area planning and administration at regular intervals.

As Minister for National Planning and Monitoring, I expect the National Population and Housing Census 2020 to receive the full support of all members of Parliament, The O’Neill – Abel Government has prioritized population as its number one priority in the Alotau Accord II. Hence, the conduct of the Census 2020 is the key deliverable for the Government in terms of the establishing the actual population of Papua New Guinea.

PNG’s Population growth would have to be sustainably managed so that the growing needs of our country is adequately met by our economic performance.

It is important that development planning is evidence based. Such is the mandated role of the NSO to regularly compile and disseminate timely and reliable statistics which enables the Government and other relevant stakeholders to formulate policies and informed decisions.

The conduct of the Population and Housing Census is a universal practice and adopted by many countries including PNG, as a valuable source of population count and collection of basic socio-economic data.

The Censuses are conducted in compliance with set standards and in accordance with the UN’s Principles and Recommendations for the Population and Housing Censuses. PNG as a member of the United Nation conforms to these UN standards.

The Census has a biblical history. The Bible reveals that Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea when Mary and Joseph had gone there to take part in a Roman Census during the reign of King Herod The Great.

Due to the magnitude of the Census 2020, the provinces must take full ownership of the census. Therefore, I request your full participation and cooperation in conducting the Census 2020, successfully.

Once again, I as your Minister for National Planning and Monitoring am appealing to all levels of government, the private sector, and everyone in this country, both citizens and non-citizens to co-operate and give your undivided support to the work of the Census 2020.

I am confident, with you imparting selfless co-operation and support we anticipate to conduct a very successful census, come 2020

God Bless Papua New Guinea.

Minister for National Planning & Monitoring


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